Number of Longest Prefix Match (LPM) route entries | IPv4: up to 1 million IPv6: 1900 to 500,000 (based on prefix length) |
Number of IP host entries | IPv4: up to 1 million IPv6: up to 16,000 |
Number of MAC address entries | Up to 512,000 |
Number of multicast routes | Up to 32,000 |
Number of Interior Gateway Management Protocol (IGMP) snooping groups | With VPC: 4000 to 32,000 Without VPC: 8000 to 32,000 |
Number of VLANs | Up to 4096 |
Number of Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) instances | Up to 16,000 |
Number of port channels | Up to 512 |
Number of port channel links | Up to 32 |
Number of Equal Cost Multipath (ECMP) paths | Up to 64 |
Number of active Cisco Switched Port Analyzer (SPAN) sessions | 4 to 32 |
Number of Multiple Spanning Tree (MST) instances | Up to 64 |
Number of Rapid per-VLAN Spanning Tree (RPVST) instances | Up to 4000 |
Number of Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) groups | Up to 490 |
Number of tunnel endpoints (VTEP) and VXLAN physical servers per VLAN | Up to 10,000 |
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